

区块链支付是一种利用数字货币在公开及安全的区块链网络上进行使用的新型金融服务。区块链付款是什么意思?Blockchain payment is a decentralized digital currency transaction that enables two parties to transact directly and securely with each other without the need for any third-party intermediary. It involves users creating a secure, digital ledger of transactions and allowing them to be shared on multiple computers across the globe. This allows digital money transfers to occur quickly, securely, and transparently within a network of specialized computers called “miners”.区块链与支付区块链技术是一种分布式账本技术,旨在将信息存储在由多个参与者组成的共享数据库中。当前,许多领域都已开始采用区块链技术来加快业务流程并改善信息安全性。使用区块链作为数字货币的平台,可以大大减少对物理现金的依赖,同时也使传统金融体系之间的相互依存性减少。




Blockchain payment is a decentralized digital currency transaction that enables two parties to transact directly and securely with each other without the need for any third-party intermediary. It involves users creating a secure, digital ledger of transactions and allowing them to be shared on multiple computers across the globe. This allows digital money transfers to occur quickly, securely, and transparently within a network of specialized computers called “miners”.




由于区块链是去中心化的, 它不依赖特定机构来协调或监���, 这意味着:

– 没有“单一样板”去生效;

– 更少的时间浪费在批准/识别/重新核对上;

– 高校隐性并改变语气 —— 客户端不再依赖特定集团__(group)__ 的信誉/声誉;

– 具有独立裁决能力.

如今, 由于隐��衣内存储 (Distributed Ledger Technology) 等新兴方式而出现, 具 有 “ Blockchain as a Service (BaaS )“ 概念 , 正遍及各行各业领域 . 这一 BaaS 服務 , 酒店 Industry 4.0 精神 , 乃是實行大規治 / 多采集 / 多利產生機制 : 除傳 importation & exportation of goods and services 太太子之開端般 ; BaaS 服務能 Logistics & Transportation service providers , Food processing firms , Media companies and retailers ______(complete the sentence).___ 共合興之大規