

库兹韦尔的奇点理论,库兹韦尔Kuznetsov’s singularity theory is an idea proposed by Russian mathematician Dmitry Kuznetsov. It suggests that a chaotic system can be driven to a state of extreme instability, such that it goes through a qualitative change or “singularity” which leads to the emergence of new structures and behaviors. The notion has attracted interest from computer scientists, physicists, biologists and others who are interested in studying complex systems. Through mathematical models and simulations, researchers have begun to explore the key features of this phenomenon.如何理解库兹韦尔的奇点临近中的奇点?库兹韦尔奇点临近中的奇点是指当流体运动(如气流)在相对较低压空间出现时,会产生一节最大速度区域。它们代表了流体在物理上受到重力作用后所呈现的独特性能失衡。库兹韦尔的奇点临近正在逐渐向宇宙整体膨胀的状态转变。在时光流动中,库兹韦尔奇点从13.8亿年前到目前已有12亿年多了;根据众多证据来看,大部分显著物理进化都已发生在此后不久。


Kuznetsov’s singularity theory is an idea proposed by Russian mathematician Dmitry Kuznetsov. It suggests that a chaotic system can be driven to a state of extreme instability, such that it goes through a qualitative change or “singularity” which leads to the emergence of new structures and behaviors. The notion has attracted interest from computer scientists, physicists, biologists and others who are interested in studying complex systems. Through mathematical models and simulations, researchers have begun to explore the key features of this phenomenon.



