

华为云的数字化转型方法是“TOPS-eC3”,它能够帮助企业高效地打造可扩展的IT系统来应对不断变幻的市场要求。此外,华为还开发了一套端到端的Digital Transformation Solution Suite ,该套件能够以流水线方式快速部署各领域内特定领先的行业应用。华为云助力企业数字化转型华为云支持企业数字化转型,通过其强大的海量资源、稳定可靠的数字化平台以及多项创新服务来助力企业在此时代胜出。


Huawei Cloud stands behind digitalization. Huawei Cloud is an integrated cloud service platform focused on the public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and industry-specific solutions. It offers a comprehensive portfolio of offerings that help customers to build best-in-class ICT infrastructures while taking advantage of the latest technology trends such as AI, Big Data and IoT. By leveraging open source technologies like OpenStack, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos, Huawei Cloud provides elastic computing capabilities along with high availability features for mission critical applications. Customers can choose from a variety of database services including object storage and relational databases that are optimized for their specific workloads. For example, Huawei Cloud’s Object Storage Service (OSS) allows enterprises to store large amounts of unstructured data at low cost in highly secure environments with advanced security control mechanisms. Additionally, Huawei is committed to providing flexible pricing models suitable for different customer needs based on usage or subscription plans which helps them reduce operational costs associated with IT operations.


华为云数字化转型是一种战略框架,旨在帮助企业迅速完成数字化转型。它将帮助企业创新、自动化、可用性和安全性等核心技术应用于IT部门,从而使其更有效地满足各类业务需求。华为云的数字化转型方法是“TOPS-eC3”(Technology Oriented Platforms, Services and Solutions for Enterprise Cloud Computing & Communication Consolidation),它能够帮助企业高效地打造可扩展的IT系统来应对不断变幻的市场要求。此外,华为还开发了一套端到端的Digital Transformation Solution Suite(DTSS) ,该套件能够以流水线方式快速部署各领域内特定领先的行业应用。



1. 首先,华为云打造一站式IaaS图书馆,集成多项核心基础设施服务,由此帮助企业构建低成本、高性能的IT基础设施。同时支撑不同行业领航者采用物联网、人工智能和大数据分析来应对当前市场竞争。

2. 其次,华为云将安全作为优先考量