
还通过使用不同的关键词来提升新闻在搜索引擎中的可见度。3. 多频道扩展:通过在不同平台上传图片/文字/影片/声明,

还通过使用不同的关键词来提升新闻在搜索引擎中的可见度。3. 多频道扩展:通过在不同平台上传图片/文字/影片/声明,


1. 内容优化:赫芬顿邮报重视内容的品质,从而吸引读者。为了提升新闻可读性,其利用多样化的图片、表格和数字来呈现新闻内容。此外,还通过使用不同的关键词来提升新闻在搜索引擎中的可见度。

2. 网站优化:为了保障网站加载速度快、流畅无卡顿,并能有效地将流量带到相应的新闻内容上去; 赫芬顿邮报对其网站进行了大量优化工作。例如减少代码体积、减少HTTP请求数量以及使用CDN加速服务器部署方式。


3. 多频道扩展: 通过多频道扩展, 赫芬顿邮报能够将流量带到不同的平台上去, 扩大影响力; 各个平台也是SEO战略中不可或缺的一部分, 例如Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 等; 通过在不同平台上传图片/文字/影片/声明, 权衡好 SEO 与 SMO (Social Media Optimization) , 有效融入 SNS(Social Networking Service) , 权衡好 SEO 与 SMM (Social Media Marketing), 利用 SNS 社交性权益, 能够得到最佳 SEO 效益。

4. 多频道集成: 针对不同平台独立开发 APP ; 在 PC / Mobile Web / App 等三大版本之前要保障 UI / UX 一体感 ; 圣水APP : iOS & Android ; Facebook Instant Articles & Google AMP ; Apple News & Flipboard Magazine .

5. 多频道集成: 针对不同平台独立开发 APP ; 圣水APP : iOS & Android ; Facebook Instant Articles & Google AMP ; Apple News & Flipboard Magazine .

6. 多频士集成: 赫芬顿也注意利用 RSS Feeds , Podcasts , Video Channels 等方法将内容扩散出去; RSS Feeds : WordPress Plugins + Feedburner + iTunes Connections + Twitter Cards + YouTube Channel Integration .

7. Link Building Strategy : The Huffington Post also uses link building strategies to increase its visibility in search engine results pages and drive more traffic to its website from other websites and blogs that link back to it . This includes guest blogging on other sites as well as creating content that is likely to be shared by others on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook .

8. Social Media Engagement Strategy : The Huffington Post has a strong presence on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook where it engages with readers through posts about news stories or opinion pieces published on the site . It also encourages readers to share their own thoughts or opinions about topics discussed in articles published on the site which helps build relationships with readers and increases engagement levels across all of its channels including its website .

9. Analytics Tracking Strategy : The Huffington Post tracks user behaviour across all of its channels using analytics tools such as Google Analytics so that it can better understand how users are engaging with content published on the site and what types of content they prefer reading most often so that it can tailor future content accordingly for maximum impact .

二、          赫芬顿
