

debian9,debian9和debian11 Debian 9是一个Linux发行版,它是Debian GNU/Linux系统的九个正式发布版本之一。Debian 11将在2021年推出。两者之间的差别包括新内核、新软件包和更新的X.org驱动器。此外,Debian 11还将使用systemd作为默认init系统。. The “Redmine” appliance might be interesting for you as it’s based on Debian 9 .


Debian 9(codename Stretch)是一个Linux发行版,它是Debian GNU/Linux系统的九个正式发布版本之一。Debian 11(codename Bullseye)将在2021年推出。两者之间的差别包括新内核、新软件包和更新的X.org驱动器。此外,Debian 11还将使用systemd作为默认init系统。

debian9 debian10

# install dependencies for debian9

RUN apt-get update &&

apt-get -y install libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev &&

curl –output /etc/ssl/certs/ca_bundle.crt

debian 9


I suggest you to look for a ready-made VM from TurnKey Linux. They have ready made appliances that you can download and startup with minimal effort. Plus all of them are free to use, even in production environments!.

The “Redmine” appliance might be interesting for you as it’s based on Debian 9 (Stretch).