ucloud服务器价格,ucloud云服务器 香港

ucloud服务器价格,ucloud云服务器 香港

ucloud服务器价格,ucloud云服务器 香港Ucloud 的云服务器香港价格是根据不同的规格、存储空间大小来定,具体价格会受到当地市场行情上的波动而改变。下面是 Ucloud 云服务器 香港 所覆盖区域的一般价格范围。CPU 内存 磁盘 1 Mbps带宽1vCore 1G 20G 0.532vCores 2G 40G 0.864vCores 4G 80G 1.12ucloud云服务器官网?ucloud cdnUCloud CDN is a global content delivery network service for businesses and developers. It helps businesses speed up the delivery of their digital content to end users across the globe, including websites, mobile apps, video streaming platforms, software downloads, gaming applications and more. UCloud CDN is powered by cloud computing technology and provides customers with advanced features such as edge caching optimization and integrated security services.

ucloud服务器价格,ucloud云服务器 香港

Ucloud 的云服务器香港价格是根据不同的规格、存储空间大小来定,具体价格会受到当地市场行情上的波动而改变。下面是 Ucloud 云服务器 香港 所覆盖区域的一般价格范围(单位¥/小时)。

CPU 内存 磁盘 1 Mbps带宽

1vCore 1G 20G 0.53

2vCores 2G 40G 0.86

4vCores 4G 80G 1.12


ucloud cdn

UCloud CDN is a global content delivery network (CDN) service for businesses and developers. It helps businesses speed up the delivery of their digital content to end users across the globe, including websites, mobile apps, video streaming platforms, software downloads, gaming applications and more. UCloud CDN is powered by cloud computing technology and provides customers with advanced features such as edge caching optimization and integrated security services.